
Swavalamban Pran Card

Issuing PRAN Card For National Pension System For India

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Atal Pension Yojana( APY) Subscriber Information for Indians

APY offers choice of minimum monthly pension guaranteed by Govt. of India of Rs. 1000, Rs 2000, Rs 3000, Rs 4000 and Rs. 5000 per month after 60 years of age. Subscriber’s Age should be between 18 -40 yearsfor joining APY. Subscribercan join APY through a bank branch/post-office.It is mandatory to provide nomination and spouse details in APY account. Contributionscan be made on Monthly or Quarterly or Half yearly basisthrough auto debit facility from savings Bank account. Transaction statementand PRAN Cardcan be viewed and printedanytime,...

Enrol PRAN Card